Monthly Archives: January 2009

A Blog to Help Keep Writers on Target

Thanks to a prolific and highly respected Christian author, writers have some “staying-on-target” assistance.

Sally E. Stuart, author of thirty-six books and more than a thousand articles, has a marketing blog…Christian Writers’ Marketplace. Sally is perhaps best known for compiling the yearly Christian Writers’ Market Guide.

Her blog has daily entries that can assist writers in targeting the right publishers, as well as help them keep the market guide current.

Sally will keep you up to date with current news in the publishing industry…a must as tough economic times dictate what publishing houses can or cannot produce.

Go to:

Thanks, Sally!

contributed by Sheryl Crawford

The Wrong Kind of Target Practice!

Hi Everyone,


I’m sorry I have nothing to post today.  We had a brief but freaky thunderstorm here in Highland very early Monday morning (around 2:00 a.m.) and lightning struck the transformer on an electric pole behind our house (talk about hitting a target!)  We were without electricity for 18 hours, and when that was finally fixed by the Edison Co., we discovered the lightning had also damaged the circuit board for our heater.  The heater is being taken care of today, but I am SO COLD from being without heat since early Monday morning, but of course, nothing like people in other parts of the country are suffering.  We here in SoCal are definitely spoiled. However, my fingers are too frozen and my brain is too maxed-out from the cost of the replacement heater ($$$$) for me to be able to think and write anything coherent.  Until next time…     Marge



2009 Off to a Great Start!

Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,
and the pleasantness of one’s friend springs from his earnest counsel.

Proverbs 27:9

Thank you, Wordsmiths, for the tips and perspectives you have shared this month on targeting a publisher. It’s good advice to set in motion, especially at this goal-setting time of the new year.

-Veronica Walsh


When I was a young girl, I took archery lessons. My Christmas present for that year was my very own archery set. It came in a long, cardboard box, and it contained an unstrung bow, the bowstring, a quiver, a paper target, and three different sets of arrows.

I was thrilled with the arrows because they had different points or tips. There was the target point used for regular target practice. There was also field point used for outdoor shooting of three-dimensional targets. Finally, there was the broadhead, whose thick metal point was used for hunting. Each arrow had a distinct purpose and it was to be used for a specific target.

When we write, the genre we choose is like our arrow. We need to determine what we are going to write before we can settle on the exact publisher we need to target. Do you want to write short children’s stories? Do you want to write about arts and crafts? Do you want to tackle non-fiction? Do you have a knack for writing mysteries?

Sometimes we know immediately what arrow we will be sending. Other times it is a process of growth and opportunities that shows us the right arrow to use. The point is (excuse the pun) that we need to start with a genre in order to begin targeting. Don’t be surprised with it changing over time. I started writing inspirational articles for women about five years ago. My first non-fiction picture book for children will be out in 2010.

The process to target doesn’t change much, but the arrows we use might. Keep writing and see what arrows you come up with.

Contributed by Catherine L. Osornio

Research Buddy

An Illustrator’s Perspective

By now, you have probably noticed a common theme on the topic of targeting a publisher: research, research, and research a publisher to make sure they are an appropriate choice for your manuscript.


For an illustrator the advice is the same. I’m finding, though, that some publishers don’t have submission guidelines for illustrators posted on their website. A good companion to internet research is a writer’s and illustrator’s market guide. There are few out there. (Perhaps our readers could mention their favorites through comments.) One such directory is The Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market, by Alice Pope, published by F+W Media.


This annual directory gives basic information about the types of books published by each house. It offers tips which may include the publisher’s mission statement, what sort of illustrations they are currently seeking, and how samples should be formatted and sent. This type of book is a good tool to have and will help you to determine if a publisher is the right fit for your artwork.


Happy New Year and Happy Research! 


contributed by Veronica Walsh
children’s book illustrator

New Year…New Thinking

I tend to be one of those “inspiration” writers. I come up with an idea. Then I spend days, maybe months writing and fine-tuning my story. Then I send it out. I was inspired to write the material. Surely, there is a publisher out there who will salivate when they read my manuscript, right? Not necessarily.

Getting published has always been a challenge. Today it is more so. Our chances of seeing our work in print diminishes if we only do inspiration type writing. I’m not saying don’t do  inspiration writing. Just add targeted writing to your agenda.

To see our work in print, we need to spend time and effort to search out those publishers who publish the kind of material we like to write. We need to study their books or magazines. Studying is not the same as reading. Ask questions as you read.

Do they like humor?

Are they more fact based without the “trimmings”?

What have they published in the last few years?

Do I see a hole in their publication that I can fill?

Do I feel my writing style will fit theirs? If not, can I adjust my style to fit theirs?

Am I capable of effectively writing for the age group they represent?

Targeting a publisher is not natural to me. It is a lesson I am learning. I have committed myself to doing more of it in 2009. Wouldn’t it be awesome if , at the end of this year, we were able to see our work published, even if it is not those “inspired” manuscripts? Join me this year in some “target practice.” Let’s see what happens!

Looking forward to targeting a publisher in 2009, Gloria

Judson Justifies Our Juggling

I found this in the Judson Press guidelines.

“Successful publishers have developed specific ‘niches’ or areas of specialty. These niches are based on such related factors as the content and style of books, as well as their target audience(s). It is your responsibility to research and identify the publisher(s) best suited for the book you have in mind.

Consult publications as The Writer’s Market, Literary Marketplace, both of which can be found in most public libraries.

Browse publishers’ catalogs, either in printed form or online.

Visit local bookstores to determine which companies publish books similar to the one you have in mind.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Notice how they repeated studying the market before you write the book! I tried to do it backwards for many years and accomplished almost nothing.

-Contributed by Shirley Shibley

Practice Makes Perfect

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the thought of targeting a publisher? How about this–grab your kitchen timer and set aside just one hour today for target practice!

First set your timer for 15 minutes. Use this time to practice choosing a publisher to target. Look in your market’s guide…pick up a favorite current book or magazine and locate the publisher’s name…go to and check out various publishers of your favorite topic…skim publisher interviews in a current writer’s mag…Don’t stress out about it or take a long time doing it. Just find the name of one publisher that sort of interests you.

Now set the timer for 15 more minutes. Use this time to practice finding out more about the publisher you chose. Google their name or go directly to their website. Look for their “submissions guidelines.” Sometimes it’s hidden under “About us” or “Contact us.” Try to find out if they take unsolicited queries and if they welcome e-mail queries or if you have to send it via postal mail. Print out any pertinent info you find.

Ready to move on? Now set the timer for 15 more minutes. Use this time to practice thinking of a way to break into their market. Browse through the publisher’s product list until you find a book or article that you think, “Hey, I could try to write that!” Don’t dilly dally or reflect deeply into your inner soul right now–just skim through their product list and note something that catches your interest. Make a quick list of topics they already cover along that line and then jot down 3-5 topics that relate to it but they haven’t yet published. For instance, if you’re looking at a line of nonfiction books about wild animals, list the animals they’ve covered: elephants, lions, cheetahs, etc. Then list 3-5 topics you don’t see such as tigers, hyenas, and boa constrictors.

And now to reach the finish line–set your timer for a final 15 minutes. Use this time to practice writing a query letter. Here’s a sample one you can use–just fill in the blanks and you’re ready to go:

Dear ______ (first name of editor),
I read in _________ (name of magazine or website etc.) that you are interested in ______________ (type of articles or books they’re looking for). I studied your website and see that you publish _____________ (topics or series they publish). Would you be interested in receiving a proposal about ________________ (topic they haven’t yet published).
_______ (your name)
_______ (your contact info)

Here’s how that looks in final form:
Dear Haley,
I read in the Children’s Book Insider that you are interested in nonfiction picture books to use in the classroom. I studied your website and see that you publish a series about wild animals in Africa. Would you be interested in receiving a proposal about tigers, hyenas, or boa constrictors?
Annie Author
123 Diction Street
Writewood, PA 12345

Whew! You did it! All in just one hour. And if your target publisher accepts e-mail queries, it only takes one second to click the “send” button–and your query is on its way.

-Contributed by Nancy I. Sanders

Master Archer

The slush pile is a teetering tower

from the ceiling to the floor.

And editors at Bug Publishing hope

they’ll find what they’re looking for.

But alas, they know the cruel truth

that leaves them in a fog.

Hundreds of authors who send their work

don’t study the catalog!

The guidelines make it oh, so clear.

They need books about nothing but bugs!

But submissions tell of other things

like peat moss, or Persian rugs!

The bleary-eyed editors never stop reading.

They chew pencils and whisper a prayer.

“If only they’d target our publishing house.

This wastes time and we’re losing our hair!”

Like mining for gold, they never give up.

Some get pimples or a nervous rash.

And stories that come without a SASE

go into the round-file (trash).

But now and then, their hearts stand still.

A moment of silence…please.

Then the office erupts in squeals and shouts!

“She wrote about beetles…CHINESE!”

“The story is perfect! The facts are correct.

It’s funny and the writing is tight.

And best of all, she wrote about BUGS!

Oh, glory! Someone got it right!”

“She’s right on target…a Master Archer.

A writer who knows we love bugs!

Let’s give her a series! We’ll send her some flowers!”

Then they toast with their cold coffee mugs.


“Here’s to writers who study our work!

Here’s to the precious few.

And may authors read Nancy Sanders next book.

She’ll teach them a thing or to!”

So, aim your writing and pull back that bow.

Study the target…DON’T QUIT!

When your writing matches a publishers needs,

a bull’s-eye is something you’ll hit!

With gratefulness to Nancy Sanders our Wordsmiths Master Archer and target practice teacher!

Sheryl Crawford

The Slushpile

When it comes to targeting a publisher, Nancy Sanders has written the book (literally!) on this subject, and on this blog others have added very creative takes on this important topic.  So, I don’t have much of anything else to say, except the following:


Many times people (usually non-writers who are naïve or uninformed) have told me, “Why don’t you just make a list of all the publishers available and send your manuscripts to each and every one?  Somebody’s bound to take it eventually!” This may or may not be true, and with a computer, following such a plan would seem to be a simple and easy thing to do.


However, there’s a fatal flaw with this thinking, one that affects all writers.  Besides the high frustration level from all the rejections that will result, when writers fail to do basic research on what kind of book manuscripts each publishing house is looking for, editors’ offices are flooded with submissions, most of them inappropriate, thus the dreaded slushpile.  Over and over at writers’ conferences, editors mention the overwhelming number of manuscripts they receive that are nothing like the books that are on their particular lists.


For example, textbook publishers often receive picture books.  Publishers who do specialize in picture books receive YA novels describing teen angst.  Even the larger houses who publish many different types of children’s books lean towards certain types of books. Here a computer comes in handy, as it’s easy to check publishers’ catalogs and guidelines online and to understand what each one’s publishing niche is.  This is the first step any writer needs to take before he or she even thinks about writing a book, any kind of book.


Perhaps some writers also think that by using this “scatter-shot” method of submitting, their “excellent” manuscripts will so impress editors that they will want to publish something “different,” i.e., the writer’s book.  But the truth is that as more and more writers do this, and the slushpile grows larger and larger, many publishing houses are closing their doors to ALL unsolicited or un-agented  manuscripts.  This is sad news for everyone.  Besides following the detailed, excellent advice Nancy provides, we owe it to ourselves and to all our fellow writers, aspiring and already published, to pay attention to the obvious first step and be aware of what each house specializes in.  When we do this, everyone in the publishing industry benefits.


Contributed by Marjorie Flathers