Conferences, Yes or No

My apologies to all for posting so late. I forgot! Those who know me well will not be surprised at this. I will try to somehow be better.

This month is about conferences. There are pros and cons. I saved up and spent big bucks to attend an out-of-state conference. It was there I made contact with an editor who published a series of four books. That is really a God thing. It does not turn out that way for most.

I have attended less expensive, local conferences and gotten a wealth of information. I’ve made contacts, even won a contest. But, I have never had one of the attending editors accept anything I sent. Still, it was worth the time and mininal amount of money. Networking is important to a writer.

I suggest you avail yourself of conferences in your area. Go for the “biggies” if you have the time and money. Just don’t think attending one will guarantee publication. New friendships, increased knowledge of your craft and connections that may be valuable in the future are usually a given. That in itself makes it worth the effort to attend a conference!

Hoping all your conferences are productive, Gloria

4 responses to “Conferences, Yes or No

  1. Yea! for Conferences. I’m in the middle of planning a regional conference called Write2Ignite! LOTS of work, but so worth it.


  2. gloriastockstill

    Jean, how awesome that you are planning a conference! I’m sure few will know how much work you put into it but I AM sure all the knowledge they glean from it WILL be appreciated.
    I hope the conference is a great success!!!


  3. Hello,

    I’m looking for an online writer’s critique group. A mix of genres works for me… I write Christian romance… Is anyone aware of one I could join currently?

    Christine Shankel

    • Catherine L. Osornio

      Hi Christine-

      Sally Stuart lists several critique groups in her Christian Writers’ Market Guide, but I don’t know offhand if any are online groups. You might try a search on Google to see if there are any online Christian critique groups listed and if they are accepting new members.

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